Monday, April 6, 2009

India Unleashed

World's Fastest Growing
Free Market Democracy
Driven by
Talent, Markets, Growth and Opportunity

From a 'developing nation' just two decades back, India, today, has emerged as one of the decisive nations shaping the contours of the world economy. Consistently charting a growth path over the last few years, Brand India is an idea whose time has truly arrived. Today, the triumph of Brand India is visible in almost all fields — with some aggressive cross-border acquisitions India has been rewriting the global business equations; India has established its leadership in IT and knowledge-based industries globally; and along with the rapidly declining age profile, it has the fastest growing population of workers and consumers.

With huge investments in infrastructure development on the anvil, India is today a preferred investment destination. It has one of the world’s most rapidly growing markets, and today, Indian products and services are recognised for their quality all over the world.
Quoted from IBEF

How World Leaders Perceive India: Quotable Quotes on India

"Compared to China, India has a much stronger and self-sufficient skill base... India is truly the powerhouse of the future." -Michael Maedel, President, JWT Worldwide

"India is a fantastic opportunity. It is an opportunity as a market, it's an opportunity as a talent base... I am very positive about what as a company we can do in India." -Ben Verwaayen , Chief Executive Officer, Alcatel Lucent SA

"China and India will soon shake the world. Together they are home to 40 per cent of the world's population and both are among world's fastest growing economies". -Lee Kuan Yew, Minister Mentor, Singapore

"What is emerging is a world economy of blocs represented by NAFTA, the European Union, ASEAN. There's no one center in this world economy. India is becoming a powerhouse very fast." -Peter Drucker, Management Guru

"India has evolved into one of the world's leading technology centres." -Craig Barrett, Chairman, Intel Corporation

"India on its way to becoming IT, manufacturing kingdom of the world." -Mr Yasukuni Enoki, Japanese Ambassador to India

"India is a rising economic influence of power in the international system. It's a great multiethnic democracy." -Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State

"I believe India could be the fastest growing economy in the world one day. It would be foolish for Virgin not to embrace India." -Sir Richard Branson, Chairman, Virgin Atlantic Airways

"India is growing fast and everyone seems to want a piece of the action." -Martin Graham, Director of Market Services, London Stock Exchange

"The Indian banking system is now perhaps better than any other in Asia." -Stephen Roach, Chief Global Economist & Managing Director, Morgan Stanley

"India has the potential to deliver the fastest growth over the next 50 years with an average rate of more than 5 per cent a year for the entire period." -Dominic Wilson, Senior Global Economist and Vice President, Goldman Sachs

"Many people view India only as a place to cut costs through offshore outsourcing... we see India as an emerging market for our advanced software platforms." -Peter Armstrong, President, Triple Point Technology

"The Indian middle class is easier to target because people understand English and have a western China, it's a longer slog". -Rory Cowan, President, Lionbridge Technologies

America cannot ignore the fact that the centre of gravity is moving eastwards to Asia, away from Europe and North America, and India will be the motor force in globalisation". -Frank G Wisner, Former US Ambassador to India and Vice President, American International Group External Affairs

"India, first of all, came to the game with some just natural advantages: one, English-speaking population; two, real emphasis on education. You also had a country that is very instinctively able to glocalize, take the best of the global world and meld it with their own culture." -Tom Friedman, Columnist, The New York Times

"India's reforms are not just an economic issue. The country is forging a proudly democratic model of economic reforms. It is the kind of model that many developing countries, despairing that they do not have the dictatorship of China to force through difficult reforms, can hope to emulate." -Bruce Gilley, The Wall Street Journal

"Asia should not be painted with one brush; India has separated itself from the pack; it is not unduly dependent on external demand, and it has an increasingly powerful IT-enabled, services-led growth dynamic." -Stephen Roach, Chief Global Economist & Managing Director, Morgan Stanley

"India is not just about IT or business process outsourcing. We see it as an incubator for giant global corporations driven by IT strategy." -Prof Warren McFarlan, Senior Associate Dean, Harvard Business School

"As a nation you have great DNA. This advantage will have a multiplier effect on the economy when second generation policy reforms present businesses and consumers with the right incentives. There is so much pent-up dynamism at the micro level of India's economy that entrepreneurs and workers will amplify the benefits of these reforms." -Robert Blackwill, Former US Ambassador to India

"Through the wisdom of its government leaders and the entrepreneurship of its private sector, India has risen to become a major force in the global economy." -Mr John Chambers, President and CEO, Cisco Systems Inc

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