Monday, April 6, 2009

Why study in India

Want to be a part of an education system that thrives on the values of Quality, Growth and Truthfulness...

Yes, India is now one of the most preferred destinations for higher education. The Indian education system has created a niche for itself. Our system of education in general and educational institutions in particular are at par with any major education system or institutions across the globe. Our students are increasingly getting global attention and job offers from trans-national organisations, validating the quality of Indian education.

For all those who have dreams and aspirations for quality education, India is the perfect destination. With 343 universities and more than 17000 colleges, India offers a wide spectrum of courses that are recognised globally. Apart from colleges and universities offering undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral level courses, there are many professional institutes and diploma-level institutes and polytechnics that cater to the growing demand for skill-based and vocational education.

No doubt why every year, thousand of students from different countries across the globe come to India in order to study different courses and to achieve their career objectives. The number of such student is growing exponentially year by year.

Studying in India, which has the second largest and exhaustive higher education system and network in the world, is itself an enriching experience for Non-Resident Indian (NRI) students, students belonging to People of Indian Origin (PIO) and foreign students.

What attracts foreign students to India:
Cheapest education, welcoming and non-discriminatory attitude of the society, emphasis on learning and growth, a unique student-teacher relationship and acceptance of education as the basis for all round development attract students from across the globe to India.

Another important factor that attracts foreign students to study in India is the assured education and career growth prospect that higher education in India offers. There are universities focusing on the study of medicine and surgery, arts, language, journalism, social work, business, commerce, planning, architecture, engineering, and other specialised studies. Most Indian universities teach in English medium and conduct special language classes for those weak in English.

Indian education system: Unique and Different:
Specialised universities and medium of instruction are the two most important attributes of the Indian education system. Foreign students find it quite convenient to study in a particular area in a university, which is specialist in that area. For example, there are universities specialised in the study of engineering, language & arts, planning & architecture, medicine, business & commerce, music, social work etc. Similarly, another attribute of Indian education system that attracts foreign students to India is the medium of instruction in India. English is the generally acceptable medium of instruction in Indian universities and institutes. English, as the medium of instruction in almost all of the Indian universities, makes it convenient for foreign students to study in India.

Areas of study:
With approximately 343 universities and more than 17000 colleges, India offers widest possible choice of courses that are not only recognised globally but are known for their quality, the world over. The depth and breadth of Indian education system i.e. the exhaustive system of education in India can be gauged from the fact that apart from undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral courses, there are thousands of vocational education & training and diploma-level institutes and polytechnics, run by both public and non-profit sectors that cater to the growing demand for skill-based and vocational education. In addition, 11 open universities and 66 distance education institutions functioning as part of different universities in India offer education facilities for requirements of each and every age group.

Why Cheapest Education in India:
The Quality education that India offers is within the reach of every income-group considering the reasonable fee structure. You may have a natural question that why education in India is so cheap: In India, only a legally established non-profit organisation or the Union and State Governments can establish any type of educational institution including universities, colleges, skill development and vocational education institutes. As a rule, no commercial organisation can establish any type of higher education institutes in India. Therefore, Indian universities and colleges are able to offer the best quality education at the cheapest cost. It is due to this reason Indian universities have reasonable fee structure and therefore, the quality education that India offers is within the reach of every income-group. 

What Next:
Want to be a part of Indian education system that thrives on the values of quality, growth and truthfulness? If you want to know more, follow the link: Why Should You Study in India Find out each and every detail, that you need, from this website and ask us if you need any more information.